Change (first giveaway)

Erica offers up some observations and an offer for some resources on navigating change within your work and personal life .

C H A N G E!

It can turn an intelligent and driven employee into an unfocused and demotivated one.

It can bring a well-functioning company into chaos.

Change, though a constant (in business and in life), can take the wind out of our sails, push us off course, or keep us stuck in the harbour not going anywhere!

An organization might be going through a big change (like a merger, buyout, reorg, new exec team, or new software system), but each individual will experience it slightly differently. It’s messy, painful even.

Change is one of the most human parts of business. It can get the better of us no matter who we are.

Each year, companies all over the world lose focus, productivity, and momentum to the effects of change.

The good news? Change is predictable. Its effects don’t last forever. There is science to explain how it works and what we can do to get through it.

Navigating change is a skill you can learn.

I’d like to offer you an overview of a talk I did this week on Navigating Change. It’s got two change models I combine to create a roadmap as well as tips and insights you can implement right away.

Put CHANGE in the comments to get a copy of the roadmap and my talk. Excited to hear what you think of it!

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