UNCERTAINTY (change & innovation)

U N C E R T A I N T Y // We don’t have time for complete information anymore. (Okay, maybe we never did).

Because we are living in a time of rapid change, disruption and unpredictability, the best approach is to factor uncertainty into the equation whenever developing something new.

You could call this living in the question. I think Rilke (the philosopher) did. You could call it Lean Startup. I know Eric Ries did; it’s a design methodology that works under conditions of uncertainty. Created for software, works for anything.

Here’s my favourite part about navigating uncertainty though: the blazingly courageous version of yourself that you get to transform into, specifically because the conditions demand it.

Right now I am helping a client design a couple of new business processes and instead of a perfectionistic, cautious, ‘over the wall’ approach where they hone everything ahead of time, they are taken an iterative ‘test it out’ approach. Efficient, interesting, and brave.

(Also a shoutout to my new connections from #ChangeLead2021. Fellow change geeks, it’s so nice to meet you. The future is bright indeed and based on the way the world is now, we are NEVER going out of business!)

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