Lean + Inclusion

Erica shares three ways that Lean can contribute value to the inclusiveness of a company or industry.


Many companies are making efforts to improve their diversity; better yet many are working on their inclusion.

I have to admit — as a woman working majority-male industries, it bothers me when diversity and inclusion (D&I) are treated as separate from the way business is *really” done. Something they can tack on later to look good…

In reality, D&I are transformative (or can be, when done right!). Same with Lean.

Lean has long been established as a way to run your business most efficiently: maximum output with minimum wasted time, energy, and money.

D&I are now gaining recognition as powerful ways to enact positive change that is business-aligned and relevant (rather than as an after-thought or a nice-to-have)…

Lean and Inclusion are all about culture.

A great culture is not a nice-to-have for doing tricky things like navigating a massive organizational change, retaining great talent, evolving a business to keep up with new customer demands. It’s a must.

If you have a positive culture that seeks out and solves problems, you will improve operationally, save money, retain great talent AND be more inclusive.

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