Make a DONE list

Erica shares a year-end (or year-opening) ritual that to energize you… especially recommended for those with LONG to-do lists!

M A K E A “D O N E” L I S T

It’s the end of the year! No doubt your ‘to-do’ list is super-long and you’re trying to get everything finished.

Still, I highly recommend taking a bit of time to write down everything you’re proud to have finished, achieved, learned, or created in 2019.

It’s a ‘done’ list! I make one every year and never fails to surprise me and boost my energy level.

It’s a simple exercise with some very powerful returns. It’s easy to focus on what we HAVEN’T done, or to barrel ahead and tell ourselves it’s useless to look back.

Yet it’s so rewarding to take a moment to think about what we HAVE done already.

The result? You’ll feel proud and more motivated than ever to kick off 2020 on a high note!

Sending out vibes of celebration and congratulations to everyone in my LinkedIn community, especially those who have taken the time to connect with me personally this year.

You always help me learn and expand. Wishing you an amazing end of the year and a wonderful holiday season. Looking forward to what we can all accomplish in 2020!

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