Champion for clients!

Erica muses on what she’s heard about consultants and why some industry leaders don’t even want to work with them.

W O R K I N G W I T H C O N S U L T A N T S!

Have you worked with consultants? Did you feel transformed by what they told you, brought you, did for you? Or did you feel let down, disappointed and unsupported?

I spoke to an industrial leader last week who recounted an experience where consultants basically told him what he already knew. He described the frustration: “Don’t tell me what I already know! Help me!”

When I work with clients, I’m a champion for their results. It’s not that interesting to me to just check a box, or just deliver a training course.

What I value most are the outcomes that clients have: the changes they see, the relief they feel, the pride they experience.

So I design engagements to ensure I am there to help them get real results.

What have you experienced with consultants? Have you had them be a champion for you?

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